emojis and their meannings image

Complete List of Emojis and Their Meanings for Better Communication

Emojis are a universal language that transcends borders, bringing a visual and emotional dimension to our digital conversations. Have you ever thought, like what are the emojis and their meanings. With thousands of emojis available, they enrich our messages, express our feelings, and make communication more fun. This comprehensive guide emojis and their meaning explores key emojis, such as:

Table of Content

List of Emojis With their Meanings:

Emojis are digital representations of feelings, objects, activities and much more. They offer a way to communicate with tone and context which text cannot do alone. For example, there exist emoji symbols that indicate joy (smiley face), sorrow (crying child), laughter (laugh out loud) regret (winking eye) love (heart).

Smiley Emojis:

Smiley emojis are used to express emotions and reactions. They vary from just a plain smiley face, to a more detailed laughing face, or a confused face. Some common smiley emojis include:

EmojiEmoji NameEmoji Meaning
😀 Grinning FaceHappiness, friendliness, positive mood
😃 Grinning Face with Big EyesExcitement, enthusiasm, joy
😄Grinning Face with Smiling EyesHappiness, genuine smile, joy
😁Beaming Face with Smiling EyesExtreme happiness, excitement
😆Grinning Squinting FaceAmusement, laughter, something very funny
😅Grinning Face with SweatRelief, nervousness, awkwardness
😂Face with Tears of JoySomething very funny, laughing hard
🤣Rolling on the Floor LaughingHysterical laughter, something extremely funny
😊Smiling Face with Smiling EyesWarmth, friendliness, happiness
😇Smiling Face with HaloInnocence, goodness, angelic behavior
🙂Slightly Smiling FaceContentment, slight happiness, friendliness
🙃Upside-Down FaceSarcasm, irony, silliness
😉Winking FacePlayfulness, flirtation, humor
😌Relieved FaceRelief, relaxation, contentment
😍Smiling Face with Heart-EyesLove, adoration, strong liking
🥰Smiling Face with HeartsAffection, being in love, warmth
😘Face Blowing a KissAffection, love, sending a kiss
😗Kissing FaceAffection, friendly kiss, warmth
😙Kissing Face with Smiling EyesAffection, friendliness, a kiss with a smile
😚Kissing Face with Closed EyesAffection, a tender kiss, intimacy
😋Face Savoring FoodDeliciousness, enjoying food, hunger
😛Face with TonguePlayfulness, joking, silly behavior
😜Winking Face with TongueGoofiness, playful teasing, joking
🤪Zany FaceSilliness, goofiness, wild fun
😝Squinting Face with TonguePlayful, joking, something silly
🤑Money-Mouth FaceWealth, success, money-related excitement
🤗Hugging FaceOffering a hug, warmth, friendliness
🤭Face with Hand Over MouthSurprise, embarrassment, giggling
🤫Shushing FaceAsking for silence, secrecy, quietness
🤔Thinking FaceContemplation, skepticism, considering something
🤐Zipper-Mouth FaceSecrecy, silence, not talking
🤨Face with Raised EyebrowSkepticism, disbelief, mild disapproval
😐Neutral FaceIndifference, lack of emotion, neutral mood
😑Expressionless FaceLack of emotion, frustration, apathy
😶Face Without MouthSilence, speechlessness, not talking
😏Smirking FaceSmugness, slyness, flirtation
😒Unamused FaceDiscontent, dissatisfaction, displeasure
🙄Face with Rolling EyesDisdain, frustration, disbelief
😬Grimacing FaceAwkwardness, nervousness, embarrassment
🤥Lying FaceDishonesty, lying, deceit
😔Pensive FaceSadness, deep thought, reflection
😪Sleepy FaceTiredness, sleepiness, drowsiness
🤤Drooling FaceDesire, hunger, sleepiness
😴Sleeping FaceSleep, tiredness, rest
😷Face with Medical MaskSickness, health concerns, protection
🤒Face with ThermometerIllness, fever, health issues
🤕Face with Head-BandageInjury, pain, health issues
🤢Nauseated FaceDisgust, nausea, sickness
🤮Face VomitingDisgust, extreme sickness, nausea
🤧Sneezing FaceSickness, sneezing, allergies
🥵Hot FaceHeat, sweating, feeling hot
🥶Cold FaceColdness, freezing, feeling cold
🥴Woozy FaceDrunkenness, dizziness, confusion
😵Dizzy FaceDisorientation, dizziness, confusion
🤯Exploding HeadMind-blowing, shock, amazement
🤠Cowboy Hat FaceEnthusiasm, adventure, the Wild West
🥳Partying FaceCelebration, partying, fun
😎Smiling Face with SunglassesCoolness, confidence, feeling great
🤓Nerd FaceIntelligence, nerdiness, geekiness
🧐Face with MonocleScrutiny, sophistication, inspection
😕Confused FaceConfusion, lack of understanding, uncertainty
😳Flushed FaceEmbarrassment, shyness, surprise
🥺Pleading FacePleading, begging, puppy eyes
😦Frowning Face with Open MouthShock, dismay, disbelief
😧Anguished FaceAnguish, pain, suffering
😨Fearful FaceFear, nervousness, anxiety
😰Anxious Face with SweatAnxiety, nervousness, fear
😥Sad but Relieved FaceSadness with a hint of relief
😢Crying FaceSadness, disappointment, grief
😭Loudly Crying FaceIntense sadness, grief, crying hard
😱Face Screaming in FearFear, horror, shock
😖Confounded FaceFrustration, confusion, dismay
😣Persevering FaceStruggle, perseverance, determination
😞Disappointed FaceDisappointment, sadness, unhappiness
😓Downcast Face with SweatSadness, frustration, stress
😩Weary FaceTiredness, exhaustion, frustration
😫Tired FaceExhaustion, tiredness, frustration
🥱Yawning FaceBoredom, sleepiness, tiredness
😤Face with Steam from NoseAnger, frustration, determination
😡Pouting FaceAnger, displeasure, annoyance
😠Angry FaceAnger, displeasure, annoyance
🤬Face with Symbols on MouthSwearing, rage, anger
😈Smiling Face with HornsMischief, naughtiness, devilish behavior
—-👿—–Angry Face with HornsAnger, evil, devilish behavior

Heart Emojis with Human Figures:

Heart emojis with human figures often combine symbols of love , affection, and human representation. Here’s a look at some popular heart emojis that include human figures and their meanings:

EmojiEmoji NameEmoji Meaning
❤️Red HeartLove or Affection
🧡Orange HeartWarmth or Friendship
💛Yellow HeartJoy or Friendship
💚Green HeartHarmony or Health
💙Blue HeartTrust or Sadness
💜Purple HeartCompassion or Creativity
🖤Black HeartGrief or Sophistication
🤍White HeartPurity or Peace
🤎Brown HeartSupport or Stability
💔Broken HeartHeartbreak or Sadness
❤️‍🔥Heart on FirePassion or Intensity
❤️‍🩹Heart with BandageHealing or Recovery
💗Growing HeartIncreasing Love
💖Sparkling HeartGlamour or Excitement
💝Heart with RibbonGift or Affection
💞Revolving HeartsRomantic Connection
💟Heart DecorationAdoration or Affection
🫶Heart HandsLove and Support
🫵Index Pointing at HeartDirecting Attention to Love or Affection
🫡Saluting Face with HeartRespect and Warmth
🧑‍❤️‍🧑Couple with HeartRomantic Couple or Relationship
👩‍❤️‍👨Couple with Heart: Woman and ManRomantic Relationship
👨‍❤️‍👨Couple with Heart: MenRomantic Relationship
—-👩‍❤️‍👩—–Couple with Heart: WomenRomantic Relationship

Food And Drinks Emojis and Their Meanings:

They use all these food and drink emojis to discuss various meals, snacks, and drinks. They can represent specific dishes or general food categories. Examples include:

EmojiEmoji NameEmoji Meaning
🍏Green AppleFreshness, healthy eating
🍎Red AppleEducation, health, apples
🍐PearFreshness, healthy eating
🍊TangerineFreshness, healthy eating, citrus
🍋LemonSourness, citrus, freshness
🍌BananaHealthy eating, bananas
🍉WatermelonFreshness, summer, watermelons
🍇GrapesFreshness, healthy eating, grapes
🍓StrawberryFreshness, healthy eating, strawberries
🫐BlueberriesFreshness, healthy eating, blueberries
🍈MelonFreshness, healthy eating, melons
🍒CherriesFreshness, healthy eating, cherries
🍑PeachFreshness, healthy eating, peaches
🥭MangoFreshness, healthy eating, mangos
🍍PineappleFreshness, healthy eating, pineapples
🥥CoconutTropical, freshness, coconuts
🥝KiwiFreshness, healthy eating, kiwis
🍅TomatoFreshness, healthy eating, tomatoes
🥑AvocadoFreshness, healthy eating, avocados
🍆EggplantFreshness, healthy eating, eggplants
🥔PotatoFreshness, healthy eating, potatoes
🥕CarrotFreshness, healthy eating, carrots
🌽CornFreshness, healthy eating, corn
🌶️Hot PepperSpiciness, freshness, hot peppers
🫑Bell PepperFreshness, healthy eating, bell peppers
🥒CucumberFreshness, healthy eating, cucumbers
🥬Leafy GreenFreshness, healthy eating, leafy greens
🥦BroccoliFreshness, healthy eating, broccoli
🧄GarlicFlavor, freshness, garlic
🧅OnionFlavor, freshness, onions
🍄MushroomFreshness, healthy eating, mushrooms
🥜PeanutsFreshness, healthy eating, peanuts
🌰ChestnutFreshness, healthy eating, chestnuts
🍞BreadFreshness, healthy eating, bread
🥐CroissantFreshness, healthy eating, croissants
🥖Baguette BreadFreshness, healthy eating, baguettes
🫓FlatbreadFreshness, healthy eating, flatbread
🥨PretzelFreshness, healthy eating, pretzels
🥯BagelFreshness, healthy eating, bagels
🥞PancakesBreakfast, freshness, pancakes
🧇WaffleBreakfast, freshness, waffles
🥩MeatFreshness, healthy eating, meat
🥓BaconBreakfast, freshness, bacon
🍗Poultry LegFreshness, healthy eating, poultry
🍖Meat on BoneFreshness, healthy eating, meat
🦴BoneFreshness, healthy eating, bone
🌭Hot DogFreshness, healthy eating, hot dogs
🍔HamburgerFreshness, healthy eating, hamburgers
🍟French FriesFreshness, healthy eating, french fries
🍕PizzaFreshness, healthy eating, pizza
🥪SandwichFreshness, healthy eating, sandwiches
🌮TacoFreshness, healthy eating, tacos
🌯BurritoFreshness, healthy eating, burritos
🫔TamaleFreshness, healthy eating, tamales
🥙Stuffed FlatbreadFreshness, healthy eating, stuffed flatbread
🧆FalafelFreshness, healthy eating, falafel
🥚EggFreshness, healthy eating, eggs
🍳CookingFreshness, healthy eating, cooking
🥘Shallow Pan of FoodFreshness, healthy eating, shallow pan of food
🍲Pot of FoodFreshness, healthy eating, pot of food
🫕FondueFreshness, healthy eating, fondue
🥣Bowl with SpoonFreshness, healthy eating, bowl with spoon
🥗Green SaladFreshness, healthy eating, green salad
🍿PopcornFreshness, healthy eating, popcorn
🧈ButterFreshness, healthy eating, butter
🧂SaltFreshness, healthy eating, salt
🥫Canned FoodFreshness, healthy eating, canned food
🍱Bento BoxFreshness, healthy eating, bento box
🍘Rice CrackerFreshness, healthy eating, rice cracker
🍙Rice BallFreshness, healthy eating, rice ball
🍛Curry RiceFreshness, healthy eating, curry rice
🍜Steaming BowlFreshness, healthy eating, steaming bowl
🍝SpaghettiFreshness, healthy eating, spaghetti
🥧PieFreshness, healthy eating, pie
🧁CupcakeFreshness, healthy eating, cupcakes
🍰ShortcakeFreshness, healthy eating, shortcake
🎂Birthday CakeFreshness, healthy eating, birthday cake
🍮CustardFreshness, healthy eating, custard
🍭LollipopFreshness, healthy eating, lollipop
🍬CandyFreshness, healthy eating, candy
🍫Chocolate BarFreshness, healthy eating, chocolate bar
🍿PopcornFreshness, healthy eating, popcorn
🍩DoughnutFreshness, healthy eating, doughnut
🍪CookieFreshness, healthy eating, cookie
🍺Beer MugFreshness, healthy eating, beer mug
🍻Clinking Beer MugsFreshness, healthy eating, clinking beer mugs
🥂Clinking GlassesFreshness, healthy eating, clinking glasses
🍷Wine GlassFreshness, healthy eating, wine glass
🥃Tumbler GlassFreshness, healthy eating, tumbler glass
🍸Cocktail GlassFreshness, healthy eating, cocktail glass
🍹Tropical DrinkFreshness, healthy eating, tropical drink
🥤Cup with StrawFreshness, healthy eating, cup with straw
🧃Beverage BoxFreshness, healthy eating, beverage box
🍾Bottle with Popping CorkFreshness, healthy eating, bottle with popping cork
🍼Baby BottleFreshness, healthy eating, baby bottle
🫖TeapotFreshness, healthy eating, teapot
🍵Teacup Without HandleFreshness, healthy eating, teacup without handle
🍶SakeFreshness, healthy eating, sake
🍧Shaved IceFreshness, healthy eating, shaved ice
🍨Ice CreamFreshness, healthy eating, ice cream
🍦Soft Ice CreamFreshness, healthy eating, soft ice cream
🥮Moon CakeFreshness, healthy eating, moon cake
🍣SushiFreshness, healthy eating, sushi
🍤Fried ShrimpFreshness, healthy eating, fried shrimp
🍚Cooked RiceFreshness, healthy eating, cooked rice
🍡DangoFreshness, healthy eating, dango
🥟DumplingFreshness, healthy eating, dumpling
🥠Fortune CookieFreshness, healthy eating, fortune cookie
—🥡—-Takeout BoxFreshness, healthy eating, takeout box

Animal Emojis and Their Meanings:

The animal emojis symbolize different animals that can be used to express love, describe a pet, or show some wildlife. Popular animal emojis and their meanings include:

EmojiEmoji NameEmoji Meaning
😺Grinning CatHappiness, playfulness, feline joy.
😸Grinning Cat with Smiling EyesFeline happiness, joy.
😹Cat with Tears of JoySomething very funny, feline humor.
😻Smiling Cat with Heart-EyesLove, adoration, feline affection.
😼Cat with Wry SmileMischief, slyness, feline playfulness.
😽Kissing CatAffection, love, feline warmth.
🙀Weary CatShock, dismay, feline fear.
😿Crying CatSadness, disappointment, feline grief.
😾Pouting CatDispleasure, anger, feline annoyance.
🐶Dog FaceAffection for dogs, pet-related content, cuteness.
🐱Cat FaceAffection for cats, feline-related content, cuteness.
🐭Mouse FaceSmallness, cuteness, mice.
🐹Hamster FacePet hamster, cuteness.
🐰Rabbit FaceCuteness, Easter, rabbits.
🦊Fox FaceCunning, slyness, foxes.
🐻Bear FaceWarmth, cuddliness, bears.
🐼Panda FacePandas, cuteness, conservation.
🐨KoalaAustralia, cuteness, koalas.
🐯Tiger FaceStrength, ferocity, tigers.
🦁Lion FaceCourage, royalty, lions.
🐮Cow FaceAgriculture, cows, milk.
🐷Pig FacePigs, cuteness, farming.
🐵Monkey FacePlayfulness, monkeys, silliness.
🙈See-No-Evil MonkeyNot seeing something, avoidance.
🙉Hear-No-Evil MonkeyNot hearing something, avoidance.
🙊Speak-No-Evil MonkeyNot saying something, avoidance.
🐒MonkeyPlayfulness, monkeys, silliness.
🐔ChickenPoultry, chickens, farm life.
🐧PenguinPenguins, cuteness, cold climates.
🐦BirdBirds, nature, flight.
🦉OwlWisdom, night, owls.
🦇BatNight, Halloween, bats.
🐺WolfWildness, strength, wolves.
🦄UnicornFantasy, magic, unicorns.
🐝BeeBees, pollination, hard work.
🐛BugInsects, nature, bugs.
🦋ButterflyTransformation, beauty, nature.
🐌SnailSlowness, nature, snails.
🐞Lady BeetleLadybugs, nature, good luck.
🐜AntHard work, insects, ants.
🦟MosquitoMosquitoes, pests, insects.
🦗CricketCrickets, nature, quietness.
🦂ScorpionDanger, scorpions, fear.
🐢TurtleSlowness, patience, turtles.
🐍SnakeDanger, snakes, fear.
🦎LizardReptiles, nature, lizards.
🦖T-RexDinosaurs, prehistoric, ferocity.
🦕SauropodDinosaurs, prehistoric, herbivores.
🐙OctopusSea life, intelligence, octopus.
🦑SquidSea life, intelligence, squids.
🦐ShrimpSea food, sea life, shrimp.
🦞LobsterSeafood, sea life, lobsters.
🐠Tropical FishFish, tropical sea life.
🐟FishFish, sea life.
🐡BlowfishSea life, pufferfish.
🐬DolphinIntelligence, sea life, dolphins.
🐳Spouting WhaleSea life, whales.
🐋WhaleSea life, whales.
🐊CrocodileDanger, reptiles, crocodiles.
🐅TigerStrength, ferocity, tigers.
🐆LeopardWildness, speed, leopards.
🦓ZebraNature, zebras, uniqueness.
🦍GorillaStrength, nature, gorillas.
🦧OrangutanNature, intelligence, orangutans.
🦣MammothPrehistoric, strength, mammoths.
🐘ElephantStrength, memory, elephants.
🦛HippopotamusStrength, nature, hippos.
🦏RhinocerosStrength, nature, rhinos.
🦥SlothSlowness, laziness, patience.
🦦OtterPlayfulness, sea life, otters.
🦨SkunkStink, nature, skunks.
🦘KangarooAustralia, nature, kangaroos.
🦡BadgerTenacity, nature, badgers.
🐪CamelDesert, endurance, camels.
🐫Two-Hump CamelDesert, endurance, camels.
🦙LlamaSouth America, nature, llamas.
🦒GiraffeHeight, nature, giraffes.
🐃Water BuffaloAgriculture, nature, water buffalo.
🐂OxStrength, agriculture, oxen.
🐄CowAgriculture, cows, milk.
🐎HorseStrength, speed, horses.
🐖PigAgriculture, pigs, meat.
🦌DeerNature, deer, grace.
🐑SheepWool, agriculture, sheep.
🐏RamStrength, nature, rams.
🐐GoatNature, goats, tenacity.
🐕DogLoyalty, pets, dogs.
🦮Guide DogAssistance, guide dogs, service animals.
🐩PoodlePets, poodles, grooming.
🐈CatIndependence, pets, cats.
🐓RoosterFarm life, roosters, chickens.
🦃TurkeyThanksgiving, farm life, turkeys.
🐇RabbitCuteness, Easter, rabbits.
🐁MouseSmallness, cuteness, mice.
🦢SwanBeauty, grace, swans.
🦜ParrotIntelligence, nature, parrots.
🦚PeacockBeauty, pride, peacocks.
🦩FlamingoElegance, nature, flamingos.
🦤DodoExtinction, nature, dodos.
🕊️DovePeace, nature, doves.
🐸FrogNature, frogs, cuteness.
—🦈—-SharkDanger, sea life, sharks.

Sports Emojis:

Activity emojis and their meanings illustrate various activities and hobbies. They can be used to describe actions or events. Some examples are:

EmojiEmoji NameEmoji Meaning
🎨Artist PaletteCreativity, art
🧵ThreadCreativity, sewing
🧶YarnCreativity, knitting
🪡Sewing NeedleCreativity, sewing
🪢KnotCreativity, knotting
🎭Performing ArtsCreativity, performing arts
🎤MicrophoneCreativity, music
🎧HeadphoneCreativity, music
🎼Musical ScoreCreativity, music
🎹Musical KeyboardCreativity, music
🥁DrumCreativity, music
🎷SaxophoneCreativity, music
🎺TrumpetCreativity, music
🎸GuitarCreativity, music
🪕BanjoCreativity, music
🎻ViolinCreativity, music
🎬Clapper BoardCreativity, film
🎮Video GameCreativity, gaming
🎲Game DieCreativity, gaming
🧩Puzzle PieceCreativity, puzzles
🀄Mahjong Red DragonCreativity, mahjong
🎴Flower Playing CardsCreativity, cards
🃏JokerCreativity, cards
🎯Direct HitCreativity, games
🎳BowlingCreativity, sports
🏈American FootballCreativity, sports
Soccer BallCreativity, sports
BaseballCreativity, sports
🏀BasketballCreativity, sports
🏐VolleyballCreativity, sports
🏉Rugby FootballCreativity, sports
🎾TennisCreativity, sports
🥏Flying DiscCreativity, sports
🏸BadmintonCreativity, sports
🏓Ping PongCreativity, sports
🏒Ice HockeyCreativity, sports
🏑Field HockeyCreativity, sports
🥍LacrosseCreativity, sports
🏏CricketCreativity, sports
🏹Bow and ArrowCreativity, sports
🎣Fishing PoleCreativity, sports
🤿Diving MaskCreativity, sports
🛹SkateboardCreativity, sports
🎿SkisCreativity, sports
🏂SnowboarderCreativity, sports
🛷SledCreativity, sports
⛷️SkierCreativity, sports
🏌️‍♂️Man GolfingCreativity, sports
🏌️‍♀️Woman GolfingCreativity, sports
🏇Horse RacingCreativity, sports
🏄‍♂️Man SurfingCreativity, sports
🏄‍♀️Woman SurfingCreativity, sports
🏊‍♂️Man SwimmingCreativity, sports
🏊‍♀️Woman SwimmingCreativity, sports
🤽‍♂️Man Playing Water PoloCreativity, sports
🤽‍♀️Woman Playing Water PoloCreativity, sports
🤾‍♂️Man Playing HandballCreativity, sports
🤾‍♀️Woman Playing HandballCreativity, sports
🧗‍♂️Man ClimbingCreativity, sports
🧗‍♀️Woman ClimbingCreativity, sports
🧗Person ClimbingCreativity, sports
🚴‍♂️Man BikingCreativity, sports
🚴‍♀️Woman BikingCreativity, sports
🚵‍♂️Man Mountain BikingCreativity, sports
🚵‍♀️Woman Mountain BikingCreativity, sports
🤸‍♂️Man CartwheelingCreativity, sports
🤸‍♀️Woman CartwheelingCreativity, sports
🏋️‍♂️Man Lifting WeightsCreativity, sports
🏋️‍♀️Woman Lifting WeightsCreativity, sports
🤼‍♂️Men WrestlingCreativity, sports
🤼‍♀️Women WrestlingCreativity, sports
🤹‍♂️Man JugglingCreativity, sports
—🤹‍♀️—-Woman JugglingCreativity, sports

Flags Emojis and Their Meanings:

lag emojis represent countries, regions , or special symbols. They appear in discussions of travel, nationality , or events. Common flags include:

EmojiEmoji NameEmoji Meaning
🏳️White FlagSurrender or Peace
🏴Black FlagDanger or Anarchy
🏁Chequered FlagRace Finished Victory
🚩Triangular FlagWarning or Alert
🎌Crossed FlagsCelebration or Ceremony
🏳️‍🌈Rainbow FlagDiversity and Inclusion
🏳️‍⚧️Transgender FlagTransgender Pride and Identity
🇦🇫Flag: AfghanistanFlag of Afghanistan
🇦🇱Flag: AlbaniaFlag of Albania
🇩🇿Flag: AlgeriaFlag of Algeria
🇦🇩Flag: AndorraFlag of Andorra
🇦🇴Flag: AngolaFlag of Angola
🇦🇬Flag: Antigua and BarbudaFlag of Antigua and Barbuda
🇦🇷Flag: ArgentinaFlag of Argentina
🇦🇲Flag: ArmeniaFlag of Armenia
🇦🇺Flag: AustraliaFlag of Australia
🇦🇹Flag: AustriaFlag of Austria
🇧🇸Flag: BahamasFlag of the Bahamas
🇧🇧Flag: BarbadosFlag of Barbados
🇧🇩Flag: BangladeshFlag of Bangladesh
🇧🇯Flag: BeninFlag of Benin
🇧🇲Flag: BermudaFlag of Bermuda
🇧🇹Flag: BhutanFlag of Bhutan
🇧🇴Flag: BoliviaFlag of Bolivia
🇧🇦Flag: Bosnia and HerzegovinaFlag of Bosnia and Herzegovina
🇧🇼Flag: BotswanaFlag of Botswana
🇧🇷Flag: BrazilFlag of Brazil
🇧🇳Flag: BruneiFlag of Brunei
🇧🇬Flag: BulgariaFlag of Bulgaria
🇧🇮Flag: BurundiFlag of Burundi
🇨🇦Flag: CanadaFlag of Canada
🇨🇱Flag: ChileFlag of Chile
🇨🇳Flag: ChinaFlag of China
🇨🇴Flag: ColombiaFlag of Colombia
🇨🇷Flag: Costa RicaFlag of Costa Rica
🇨🇺Flag: CubaFlag of Cuba
🇨🇾Flag: CyprusFlag of Cyprus
🇨🇿Flag: CzechiaFlag of Czechia
🇩🇰Flag: DenmarkFlag of Denmark
🇩🇴Flag: Dominican RepublicFlag of the Dominican Republic
🇪🇨Flag: EcuadorFlag of Ecuador
🇪🇬Flag: EgyptFlag of Egypt
🇪🇸Flag: SpainFlag of Spain
🇪🇹Flag: EthiopiaFlag of Ethiopia
🇪🇺Flag: European UnionFlag of the European Union
🇫🇮Flag: FinlandFlag of Finland
🇫🇷Flag: FranceFlag of France
🇬🇦Flag: GabonFlag of Gabon
🇬🇲Flag: GambiaFlag of Gambia
🇬🇪Flag: GeorgiaFlag of Georgia
🇬🇭Flag: GhanaFlag of Ghana
🇬🇷Flag: GreeceFlag of Greece
🇬🇩Flag: GrenadaFlag of Grenada
🇬🇺Flag: GuamFlag of Guam
🇬🇹Flag: GuatemalaFlag of Guatemala
🇬🇳Flag: GuineaFlag of Guinea
🇬🇼Flag: Guinea-BissauFlag of Guinea-Bissau
🇬🇾Flag: GuyanaFlag of Guyana
🇭🇹Flag: HaitiFlag of Haiti
🇭🇲Flag: Heard Island and McDonald IslandsFlag of Heard Island and McDonald Islands
🇭🇳Flag: HondurasFlag of Honduras
🇭🇺Flag: HungaryFlag of Hungary
🇮🇸Flag: IcelandFlag of Iceland
🇮🇳Flag: IndiaFlag of India
🇮🇩Flag: IndonesiaFlag of Indonesia
🇮🇷Flag: IranFlag of Iran
🇮🇶Flag: IraqFlag of Iraq
🇮🇪Flag: IrelandFlag of Ireland
🇮🇲Flag: Isle of ManFlag of Isle of Man
🇮🇹Flag: ItalyFlag of Italy
🇯🇲Flag: JamaicaFlag of Jamaica
🇯🇵Flag: JapanFlag of Japan
🇯🇴Flag: JordanFlag of Jordan
🇰🇿Flag: KazakhstanFlag of Kazakhstan
🇰🇪Flag: KenyaFlag of Kenya
🇰🇮Flag: KiribatiFlag of Kiribati
🇰🇵Flag: North KoreaFlag of North Korea
🇰🇷Flag: South KoreaFlag of South Korea
🇰🇲Flag: ComorosFlag of Comoros
🇰🇳Flag: Saint Kitts and NevisFlag of Saint Kitts and Nevis
🇰🇼Flag: KuwaitFlag of Kuwait
🇰🇬Flag: KyrgyzstanFlag of Kyrgyzstan
🇱🇦Flag: LaosFlag of Laos
🇱🇸Flag: LesothoFlag of Lesotho
🇱🇹Flag: LithuaniaFlag of Lithuania
🇱🇺Flag: LuxembourgFlag of Luxembourg
🇲🇰Flag: North MacedoniaFlag of North Macedonia
🇲🇬Flag: MadagascarFlag of Madagascar
🇲🇼Flag: MalawiFlag of Malawi
🇲🇱Flag: MaliFlag of Mali
🇲🇹Flag: MaltaFlag of Malta
🇲🇭Flag: Marshall IslandsFlag of Marshall Islands
🇲🇲Flag: MyanmarFlag of Myanmar
🇲🇨Flag: MonacoFlag of Monaco
🇲🇳Flag: MongoliaFlag of Mongolia
🇲🇪Flag: MontenegroFlag of Montenegro
🇲🇸Flag: MontserratFlag of Montserrat
🇲🇦Flag: MoroccoFlag of Morocco
🇲🇿Flag: MozambiqueFlag of Mozambique
🇳🇦Flag: NamibiaFlag of Namibia
🇳🇵Flag: NepalFlag of Nepal
🇳🇱Flag: NetherlandsFlag of Netherlands
🇳🇿Flag: New ZealandFlag of New Zealand
🇳🇬Flag: NigeriaFlag of Nigeria
🇳🇮Flag: NicaraguaFlag of Nicaragua
🇳🇪Flag: NigerFlag of Niger
—–🇳🇱—-Flag: NetherlandsFlag of Netherlands
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